A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah

The four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are basic to our very life. Art depicting these elements shows up in every medium, every culture and through every time in the history of civilization. Our gorgeous environment is composed of these elements, plus many more, so Art Center Ukiah called on artists in all mediums to celebrate the stunning beauty and the incredible power that we see around us, in all of its magical forms.
"Defining elements is far beyond my capability,” says Jacquie Lolich, the show organizer. “But in simple terms they are the building blocks of this beautiful planet we live on, and everything that surrounds it." Jacquie continues to explain that there are actually twelve elements of nature: earth, water, wind, fire, thunder, ice, force, time, flower, shadow, light, and moon. These elements are simplified terms for more complex substances.
The elements that we are most familiar with- earth, air, fire and water, represent the basic or classical elements of nature. Earth represents the soil and rocks that we live on. Wind represents the air that we breathe and the sky that we live under. Fire represents heat and flames. Water represents the seas, oceans, lakes and all the water bodies.
The other eight elements are: Thunder- the element that represents electricity. Ice- the element that represents snow and cold. Force- the element of combat and spirit. Time- the element that represents our past, present and the future. Flower- the element that represents the plants of nature. Shadow- the element of darkness and negativity. Light- the element of divinity and purity. Moon- the element that represents space and the paranormal.
These are the twelve elements of nature without which life is not sustainable.
The First Friday opening celebration of “Elements” will be on April 4 from 5-8pm. Live acoustic guitar music will presented throughout the evening by Jerry Rubio. Art Center Ukiah is located in the rear of the Corner Gallery at 201 S State Street in Ukiah.