A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Reception 5pm to 8pm
on First Friday Art Walk
Dec 1st, 2017
Featured Artists
Ellen Boulanger, oil painting
Craig Maize Photography
ACU "Small Works"
"Art from the Heart" Fundraiser for Fire Survivors
Ellen Boulanger
Artist Statement
The paintings in this show are diverse and include plein air works as well as those from photos and my imagination. Creativity is my source of spirituality, a kind of meditation, a way to shut the hasty world outside and enter into a state of complete utter absorption. I paint to bring my love of color and brush stroke to those who enjoy the music it conveys.

Ellen Boulanger
From Nature and the Studio

"A Field of Poppies" Oil Painting by Ellen Boulanger
Ellen Boulanger
Artist Bio
After a career working with computers, I turned to art. Basically I’m a self taught oil painter, although I have taken a number of painting classes and attended plein air workshops from Bay Area artists. Over the years, I’ve gained a few ribbons from shows I’ve entered, and have shown and sold my work in galleries throughout Sonoma, Mendocino, and Marin counties.
"But You Can't" Oil Painting by Ellen Boulanger
"Orange Umbrellas Pano" Oil Painting by Ellen Boulanger

Craig Maize Photography

Craig Maize Artist Statement:
I began using a camera for it's obvious function - to take photographs. The more photos I took the more immersed in photography I became. I sought out knowledge in any form that I could find.
A practice that still continues today. If my photos have a mission, it is this: to capture the memories of today that you will
treasure tomorrow and for the years
to come, and present them in a different and interesting way.

It may be a vivid sunset, a striking landscape, a beautiful piece of art or a musician expressing his emotion through his instrument. Whatever the subject, it is my hope that these images will stir up unexpected memories and feelings in the viewer.
Craig Maize is a photographer specializing
in many different forms of photography from portraits to sports to landscapes to real estate and more.
He got his start in photography by taking photos of his friends who were playing in local bands. After booking his first portrait photo shoot he decided to take his hobby to the next level and started Craig Maize Photography. He is dedicated to becoming the best photographer that he can be, spending countless hours learning
his trade.
His work can be viewed on FaceBook at Craig Maize Photography and on Instagram at cmaizephoto.
He can be contacted by phone at 707-367-2006
or by email at

Art Center Ukiah
“Small Works and Holiday Gifts”
The Corner Gallery/Art Center Ukiah is hosting "Art from the Heart"
a fine art drawing to benefit the Disaster Relief Fund of the Community Foundation.
Come buy a ticket, or many tickets,
for your favorite of fourteen one-of-a-kind works
created and donated by local artists.
Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50.
Contributions over $200 are tax deductible.
The drawing ends at 6:00 on Saturday, December 2nd,
when the winners of each piece will be selected.
The Corner Gallery is at 201 S State St in Ukiah.
Every dollar earned will stay here to help our friends and neighbors.