A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Reception 5pm to 8pm
on First Friday Art Walk
October 5th, 2018
Featured Artists
Lynn Williams
Eloise Taesali
ACU-"Out of the Ashes"
While learning technical aspects of creating a painting, I've practiced painting lots of landscapes and trees - especially trees. Someone once said that god knows every tree by name. Painting is a way to recognize and honor these living beings.
Lynn Williams

I've been taking painting classes at Mendocino College for about five years, and am excited at how much there is to learn about something I always thought was an inborn ability: You either were an artist, or you weren't.
Lately I've gotten interested in abstract work and artists. It's challenging and fun to look at familiar landscapes and subjects and open myself to seeing and interpreting them in a different way. I especially like Richard Diebenkorn's work, and am inspired by his amazing paintings, to try new things.

Eloise Taesali
I am a self-taught artist. In 2007 I started taking online art classes and found the delightful discipline of art journaling and SoulCollage, which has set me on a fearless course. I retired! Finally, I had time to take a few painting classes.
I create my paintings, collage, and mixed media intuitively from blank canvas or paper, never knowing where it will take me. I nurture this method because I have unearthed many happy accidents along the way and this fosters and encourages my progress. I love to evoke emotion, movement and make bold statements.
I have exhibited various paintings and book art at the Annual Student Art Show at the Mendocino College Art Gallery three years in a row. I also showed at the Painted Chair Affair for the City of Ukiah. My art quilts have traveled the Nation and the staff at “Save Our Stories” project in association with the Quilt Alliance also interviewed me.

I am currently a member of the Mendocino County Art Association. I was also part of the Draw till You Drop Fundraiser for this year and intend to participate every year.
Currently I have published a second book of poetry, again in collaboration with my sister, Penina Ava Taesali, titled Summons: Love Letters to the People in which my series, Black and White in a Country Divided is featured. The entire series, Black and White in a Country Divided will be shown at The Corner Gallery in the month of October 2018.