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A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Reception 5pm to 8pm
on First Friday Art Walk
October 7th, 2016
"American Craft Week" ACU show 'Art of Paper'
Elizabeth Flynn aka Hyoka Bells "Remember her through her artwork"
Ceramics show sponsored by MICA “Teaching while learning, learning
while teaching”
Art Center Ukiah and Corner Gallery
will be showing the "Art of Paper"
all month as part of
"Mendocino County Celebrates
American Craft Week"
Fifteen local artists exhibit creations in paper and paper making.
Laura Wiecek, Esther Siegel,
Joan Rhine, Jim Melander,
Terri Lockwood, Ursula Partch,
Jeanie Carson,
Cassie Gibson, Jacquie Lolich, Anne Beck, Marvin and Colleen Schenck,
Lynda Coursey, Judy Geer, Rachel Binah

A posthumous show of the works of Elizabeth Flynn aka Hyoka Bells featuring her artwork of ceramics,
drawings and watercolors.
"Teaching while learning, learning while teaching"
A group of students and their teachers from
Mendocino College.
Show sponsed by MICA

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